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[MV]柯智棠-Kowen It was May

It was a Tuesday morning in May and as I awoke
I saw the sun against your fair face
It was the year’s loveliest smile
The breeze was fresh and throughout the garden linger the scent of roses

It was May and I can not forget that we sang together
The more time passes the more I remember
The air was fresh and the song so sweet
Oh it was May, it was May

You sang love of my heart, love of my heart
You’re going far away, you’re leaving me
And I will count the hours, when will you return
With nod I said, I will return when the roses bloom again

And I sang love of my heart, love of my heart
You’re going far away, you’re leaving me
And I will count the hours, when will you return
And you said, I will return when I hear your voice again
I will return, as promised, when the roses bloom again


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